The Globe and Me

Summer 2013 - Greater Newark Conservancy


Date Topics Readings / Handouts
July 10 Getting Started
Global Awareness
Google Sites


Using Google Earth to observe natural disasters around the world.
Identifying Weather Patterns and Climate Change.

Natural resources are limited. Risk vs. Hazard
Getting Started with Google Site

July 17 Nutrition

How to read a food label
Difference between Regular Coke Cola, Diet Coke, and Coke Zero Calories

Good vs. Bad Cholesterol
What can it do? Block blood veins
Alkaline vs. Acidic food
"Avoid all that ends in (-ine; nicotine, caffeine, etc.)"
List of foods good for certain things (e.g. Carrots are good for eyesight)

July 24 Agriculture

Sustainability PPT Presentation

Homework Assignment

  • Write a summary of the topics that where learned in class. Be sure to include discussion topics and examples.
  • Find a local organization in your community that supports sustainability. Be sure to include their mission statement.
  • Create a student organization for your school to teach other students about the purposes of recycling and sustainability.
July 31 Rain Water & Litter
Rain gardens
How they prevent water from flooding the streets
Storm drain markers
Photos of storm drain markers
Only water goes down the storm drain, to prevent polluting our water
Don't litter, litter can block storm drains, causing flooding in your neighborhood
Teach how to use Google maps to track litter / storm drain markers

Homework Assignment

  • Write a summary of the topics that were discussed in class.
  • Walk around your neighborhood and find how many storm drain markers & garbage baskets you can find and map them on google maps.
August 6 Presentation Skills Choose one of the topics and choose a current article and begin to work on a presentation using Prezi and/or PowerPoint OR Create a list of topics for them to choose from Then, or before they start: “Flip a coin topic presentation game” ← Ask Bryan
August 14 Professional Presentation Continue on Presentation